伯爵夫人、帰郷へ挑戦!(スリランカより)- 「もったいない」の原点 (2005年7月)
スリランカ在住のHilton Seneviratneさん(職業:弁護士)と言うコンテッサ1300セダンのオーナーからの便りである。
当時の日本の工業製品がここまで生活の一部として海外で活躍したことは誠に貴重なことと思う。愛知万博で『もったいない』がもてはやされたようだが、小手先のコマーシャリズムの美談ではなく、地でこんなことをして来たHilton Seneviratneさんとこのコンテッサに敬意を感ずる。
Hilton Seneviratneさんはそんな貴重はコンテッサをぜひ生まれ故郷に戻したいとのことである。また、売買に関しての価格は重要なことではないと語っている。
Dear Mr Satoshi Ezawa,
I thank you for e-mail and very much appreciate the wonderful goodwill you have shown to me both as an individual and as a Sri Lankan.y your selfless and sincere conduct.
I would very much appreciate if you would send the necessary data to the Hino Contessa club and if possible also to the web site.I am really not interested in the price factor and what I am keen is that the Hino car which served me so well should go back to its homeland.In these circumstances please consider this fact when deciding whoever wishes to purchase it.All I want that this wonderful piece of machinary should be preserved for posterity.
I am the owner of a Hino Contessa 1200 cc petrol engine car (G.R.100) with floor board gears, the history of which I briefly set out below:
Hino Motors Japan in collaboration with a group of Sri Lankan businessmen formed a company named Hino Motors (Ceylon) Limited to assemble Hino cars in Sri Lanka. The car I own was imported into the country as an exhibition car.
However because the assembly of cars commenced Hino Motors (Japan) ceased, manufacturing cars and therefore the company in Sri Lanka closed down. The local businessmen then formed a company named Automobile Products Ceylon Ltd and commenced assembly of Isuzu Belle cars and I purchase the Hino car from them in 1972. When I purchased the car I was also given a set of piston sleeves, pistons and valves.
I ran the car for my personal use from then on mostly for city running. Even though I had no problems with the engine I decided to have it overhauled by a reputable Sri Lankan company in 1998.
In doing so, the pistons and piston sleeves, piston rings, the valves and bearings were replaced. I also had the radiator and silencer replaced. The braking system was also overhauled and new tyres fitted on.
However in the year 2000 I purchased a new car and ceased using the Hino for my daily use. I however keep the engine running in a neutral position and occasionally take the car out for a short distance. I however have not done any regular running of the car and have not tested it for roadworthiness but keep it on a maintenance basis. I have done approximately 350,000 miles.
I would be obliged if you would advise me whether any collector of old cars is interested in buying my car in which case I could when I get back to Sri Lanka next month, mail you close-up photographs of the car. However I insist that whoever buys the car should have it professionally inspected either by himself or through a representative and arrange for all export formalities.
As I had inadvertantly omitted certain particulars of item(c), I am setting out the particulars in full below.
- Date of registration in Sri Lanka 23rd January,1967
- Manufacturers name-Hino Motors
- Year of manufacture-1966
- Makers classification:
- Wheel base-89.76
- Chasis No-CH541728
- Engine No-356292
- Tyre size-560x13
- Fuel-Petrol
- Tare-18CWT-Iqr
- Seating capacity-Four without driver
- Yours very sincerely,
Hilton Seneviratne.
Supplemental data attached in the below:
- Twelve close up photographs of the interior and exterior of the car together with descriptions on the reverse of the photographs. (See in the top)
- Two photocopies of bills issued by General and Auto Works of Sri Lanka,which sets out the particulars of the work done on the overhauling of the engine in 1977.
- particulars from the registration book of the vehicle issued by the government of Sri Lanka
- (NOTE: (a) are shown in the bellow, but second and third materials are not shown in here in the reason of security)

(SE 2005.7.2)
(Revised 2019.11.24)
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