2014.10.15:I am an enthusiast of Japanese cars from the United States. 

【2014年10月15日, ご意見から】

名前:Myron Vernis さま


I am an enthusiast of Japanese cars from the United States. Some day, it is

my dream to have a Contessa 1300 S or L. Thank you very much for providing

such a wonderful educational resource on these great cars.

Best regards,


【2014年10月16日, サイトオーナーからのコメント】

Dear Myron Vernis,

Thank you for your comment on my personal HP about Hino Conteesa. I am Satoshi Ezawa and site owner and designer.

It is something very surprising that you are interesting in having Japanese Hino Contessa. What is your expectation about HIno Contessa including some other Japanese cars?

Which area are you living in U.S.A?


Satoshi EZAWA (2014.10.16)


その後 (2015.7.29) 、待望の日野コンテッサ1300クーペを入手して、デトロイトのカーショーに展示したとの報告をいただきました。(2015.8.3)


(Added 2016.3.25)

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