2017.9.20: Would you care to meet?

【2017年9月20日, ご意見から】

名前:Brendan McAleer さま

Dear Ezawa-san,

I am a journalist in Canada, and am coming to Tokyo and Hiroshima next month to meet with the presidents of the Toyota 2000GT club and the Mazda Cosmo Sport club. I have recently written an article about the BRE Samurai. Would you care to meet? I could bring you a copy of the magazine.

best regards,

Brendan McAleer

【2017年9月23日, サイトオーナーからのコメント】

Hello Brendan,

Thank for contacting our site about your issue. 

I checked some sites such as R&T like "10 Best Cars Nobody Buys" be google search with "Brendan McAleer". It seems those are very nice sites and articles for JDM's guy in the U.S.A. I think you are doing very nice contribution.

I have a couple of questions before setting meeting in here as follows:

A. How did get me?
B. What is real interesting as you to meet with me?
C. What is purpose of meeting with 2000GT and Cosmo club?

You are planning to have meeting with 2000GT and Cosmo group and people.

People of 2000GT owners and group (including Club) is very different mind with average people including me and it is something they will be privilege through famous "Toyota 2000GT" and the conversation is definitely different with us in the gathering or car events. But it is not all of people, and very few is okay to communicate with average level.

Does it mean Cosmo Owner's Club? This may be now stable, I think as a resultant of conflicting with other entities about owning Cosmo. This is not exception and it always happen when the organization is developing.

Sorry, I am not great guy such as Toyota 2000GT and Cosmo people. The important thing is those vehicles are not difficult to become the owner and it is the money. Many of those people do not care how they care the car for long time even since the care appeared in the market in the 60's. Even maintaining the car is the same situation through services garages. The world of owning "KYUSHA" is completely changed recent decade. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, I am in out side of those world. I am continuing to sustain my Hino Contessa 1300 "L" for long time by me and it is something near 50's since university era. It is the matter that is not able to buy by the money. I do not have cross-section with those people including :KYUSHA" fan, sorry.

Anyway I would understanding you curious matter to me or through me exactly. 

I may have no problem to have a time with you when you are in Tokyo area upon your reason to meet with me.

Please let me know without reserve.

Again, thank for checking my web site.


Satoshi EZAWA

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