2018.4.12:I am a Swedish 4CV owner...

【2018年4月12日, ご意見から】

名前:Andreas Uddling さま

Hello "Hino-club - san"!

I am a Swedish 4CV owner and member of Club 4cv Suéde. I´d like to get in touch with people who has information/litterature/car... about the Hino 4CV built 1953-1963. I am editor of our club-magazine and would be happy to be able to write about the first Hino passenger car!In return I happily supply you with anything within my power about 4cv´s if needed, I have four cars on my own.

best regards

Andreas Uddling

20180412 I am Sweedish 4CV 1
20180412 I am Sweedish 4CV 2
20180412 I am Sweedish 4CV 3
20180412 I am Sweedish 4CV 4

【2018年4月12日, サイトオーナーからのコメント】

Dear Andreas Uddling,

My name is Satoshi EZAWA. Thank you for contacting with us this time.

At first I need to mention something about me and my personal “HinoSamurai” web site.

I am the owner of Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe “Light Wight” for 40+ years. I started to own Hino Contessa 1300 Sedan in 1970. So I am working to maintain and sustain Hino Passenger car by my self working except the painting of outside”. My current project is to replace the transmission.

Unfortunately, I never own Renault Hino 4CV. But I am still dreaming to own it as the car of my final life as an end of life. Sometimes, I will talk this matter to friend, but it is just dream! I think Renault 4CV will have something fascination to people.

You say "Hino-club”. I have no idea to answer this matter. “HinoSamurai.org” is very personal web site to keep and/or retain the history of Hino cars that was not supported by OEM, namelu Hino Motors before I purchased first Hino Contessa.

Another important thing about me is I am not “Collector” about Hino cars including some other goods such as catalogs and so on. I am not interesting anything of them such as other Hino collector in here. My main interest or purpose is to enjoy to drive my Hino in several occasions and I will make an effort to improve the running condition more than those days.

I understand you want to me or someone to create text about First Hino Renault 4CV in Japan. I may be contribute some, please let know of your exact wishes.

Also I hope you will see my self introduction in "http://www.hinosamurai.org/about-us/index.html”. It is Japanese text, but you may read it through Google tools partially.

Again, Thanks for contacting with me.


Satoshi EZAWA

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