2018.10.18:I am in the USA and have a Contessa 1300. ...

【2018年10月18日, ご意見から】

名前:Jay さま

I am in the USA and have a Contessa 1300. Purchased the car when I was 16, moved to the USA 5 years later, and brought it along with me. It was in perfect condition beside a damaged muffler.  I left it on my driveway for years and now it is no longer the beauty it used to be. The car has only 60,00 miles on it. I wish I could afford a restoration job as I love this car. Suggestions are welcome, thanks

【2018年10月18日, サイトオーナーからのコメント】

Hello Jay,

Thank you for contacting your issue this time.

I have a couple of question as follows:

1. At first, are you willing to restore your Hino Contessa 1300? 

2. If so, what type or level of restoration do you want? Is it “complete restoration" to back original condition of 50 years ago, or street quick car in today’s environmental, for instant?

3. Do you expect to work everything for restoration about your Hino?

4. What is real concern (or issues) to start the restoration in your mind?

The above is my initial question to you. Please let me know of anything without reserve.

If you have any picture about your Hino, I very welcome to see it.


Satoshi EZAWA

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