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Noteic! - The contents described in Tips are amateur's experience. Only the amateur who works and maintains Contessa himself needs to refer. The people who ask Contessa to other people or professional people may not be useful. Please understand this point. Sorry.

TIPs - Tools

Necessity is mother of Invention!

How is the big shot that is not satisfied to a sandblast cabinet? An answer become this like. I use a camping tent and enter inside and work. I do not need to trouble a neighborhood either. Of course painting job is possible, too. But pay attention to the healthy prevention. (SE)
An enthusiast of Contessa of the Southern Hemisphere carried out blasting of the camping tent use in the same way. We did not talk in particular. According to him, it seems to call such a thing "Great minds think alike" in English. However, I am envious a tent can be made in the garage. (SE)

Superior HVLP(High Volume Low Pressure) painting gun. There is a bag in a cup. Thus it makes a vacuum. As a result, work is possible at every angle. Of course even reverse is possible. (SE)

A device to reduce water of a compressor line. Water does not turn to the top; sometimes sweep it out of a trap. A cost is very cheap. (SE)

An effect's greatest with the smallest expenditure, one piece of piece of board and three wood sticks and two bolts. A convenient transmission jack is completed if it combines a garage jack. (SE)

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