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The type GR100 engine of Hino Contessa 1300 challenged much new technology. The followings are very valuable books by Dr. Suzuki (A former vice-president of Hino Motors) who created GR100 engine, namely g Father of GR100h and he describes culture, fate, and Politics among the Engine in the world though his talented writing and his illustrations and pictures. A lot of documents about Contessa and Samurai are included, too. In addition, "The Romance of Engines" was published in English by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) in the U.S.A. (SE)
@Spirit of Engines, Takashi Suzuki
(Hino Motors, 1980)
The Romance of ENGINES,
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D
(President Pub., 1988)
The Romance of ENGINES,
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D
(SAE, 1997)
History of Engine of the 20th Century
The rise and fall of sleeve valve and aviation diesel
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D.

(Miki Pub. 2001)


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