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From the letter
Sep. 30, 2006 - New Contessa Parts(900,1300)
Aug. 16, 2006 - Hino Contessa
May 26, 2006 - MY OLD CAR - HINO CONTESSA 900 1965
March 3, 2005 - I saw several Contessas running around in the capital city of Managua.....
Feb. 27, 2005 - Today I bought a Hino Contessa 1300 PD 200.....
Feb. 22, 2005 - Contessas were a common sight on Israeli roads.....

From the letter

Name: Dan
Address: Tel Aviv Israel
Subject: Comment
(Feb. 22, 2005, Message from)

Hino Contessa 900 and 1300 together wilth Briska pickups were assembled in Israel between 1964 to 1969, and during that periods Contessas were a common sight on Israeli roads, including wide use by the Police (1300 Mainly). I am sure that in no other country Hino Contessa is known and rememberd as in Israel

(Feb. 27, 2005, Reply to)

Dear Dan,

Thanks for your valuable information about Hino cars.

My name is Satoshi Ezawa and I am the owner and created of site.

Hino was in Israel in KD production in those days. 15 years ago I have had a time to interview Mr. Yamono who were executive vice president and the man who knows all the history about Contessa. According to him he He appreciated very in the arrangement to the Hino in Israel and He explained the obligation to your government at the time of the business withdrawal from Israel. I still remember his talk at that time and your country was something special as him.

In the description of Hino's dream, I will describe that point as a part of history.

Again thanks for your commnets and I will tell it to Hino People. Also any additional information including picture or newspaper in those days would be appreciated.

Very sincerely,

Satoshi Ezawa