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From the letter
Sep. 30, 2006 - New Contessa Parts(900,1300)
Aug. 16, 2006 - Hino Contessa
May 26, 2006 - MY OLD CAR - HINO CONTESSA 900 1965
March 3, 2005 - I saw several Contessas running around in the capital city of Managua.....
Feb. 27, 2005 - Today I bought a Hino Contessa 1300 PD 200.....
Feb. 22, 2005 - Contessas were a common sight on Israeli roads.....

From the letter

Subject: Hino Contessa
(August, 16, 2006)

Mr Ezawa:

It's so nice to hear from you again. I'm sending some pictures fron my car. I'm looking for a new mechanic to try to repair it, and to read the attached file you sent me before.

Also, I need some ornaments for the front and rear (contessa 1300) and 1 rear (the left one) ligth.

I'll try to e-mail you as soon as I can.

Sincerely yours


(August, 16, 2006)

Hello Mr. Francisco Parada,

It is very nice to hear your recent situation.

I appreciate sending some pictures about your car this time and it is not so bad condition to repair. And it seems your car is still keeping very original shape and color.

I look forward to hearing more detail by next e-mail.

Also, I would put your picture on my web site as the project at Colombia. As you know from my web site, we see many people are now making an effort to repair their lovely Hino Contessa in several countries.


Satoshi Ezawa
