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From the letter
Sep. 30, 2006 - New Contessa Parts(900,1300)
Aug. 16, 2006 - Hino Contessa
May 26, 2006 - MY OLD CAR - HINO CONTESSA 900 1965
March 3, 2005 - I saw several Contessas running around in the capital city of Managua.....
Feb. 27, 2005 - Today I bought a Hino Contessa 1300 PD 200.....
Feb. 22, 2005 - Contessas were a common sight on Israeli roads.....

From the letter

Name: kitchareonpoonsin jirasak
Address: Sathorn Bangkok Thailand
Subject: Others
(September, 30, 2006)

Message: Hi,
I have a lot of new contessa parts(900,1300).They were in storage for more
than 20 years.
If you interested,I can sell them to you.
Please give me your email then I will send you some pictures.
Thank you

(October, 2, 2006)

Dear kitchareonpoonsin jirasak,

Thanks for your interest about our

My name is Satoshi Ezawa. I am owner and creator of this site.

It is very interesting information. I do know the exact situation about Hino Contessa both 900 and 1300 in those days.

I am interested in the current situation about Hino Contessa. Also it is very informative if you can tell why those parts are in storage for 20 years.

Please let me know of anything without reserve. I believe we need to talk some for mature the relationship.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Satoshi Ezawa
