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The descent of Hino to Contessa 1300
Major events about Contessa 1300

New - Hino's DreamAEntrusting to Contessa
1. Contessa 1300 which bets future of the company
1.1 Debut to year of Tokyo Olympics
1.2 The straw of barley hat which could be sold in large quantities
1.3 Announcement - Car of tomorrow from Torino, Italy
1.4 Tokyo motor show which designates liberalize of Japan's trade as before
2. Count lady (Contessa) to created
2.1 The Origin, Hoshiko-ism
2.2 Why was Renault 4CV selected?
2.3 Technical acquisition to complete domestic production
2.4 The parting with Renault
2.5 Appearance of a special night]duty squad
3. Encounter with Michelotti
3.1 At Torino bar
3.2 The Contessa 1300 plan
3.3 Gift of Michelotti - 900 Sprint
3.4 The marketing plan which goes out
4. The birth of Contessa 1300
4.1 Creating high quality RR engine
4.2 Exciting argument with Michelotti
4.3 Towarding to the completion of Contessa 1300
5. The challenge of Count lady (Contessa)
5.1 First Japanese Grand Prix conquest
5.2 Challenge and company team is organized
5.3 New GT Proto and New Engine
5.4 Wining in the first round at Fuji Motor Speedway
6. The Yankee who became the samurai
6.1 A come]from]behind victory of the wonder which goes out
6.2 Race will sells the car!
6.3 Pete Brock Project
6.4 Victory! L.A. Times grand prix
7. The history where the samurai is cut off
7.1 Run maneuvers of "Pete's dream"
7.2 Secret project
7.3 Directing to 4th Japanese grand prix
7.4 Beginning an introduction of tragedy
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
8.1 Interim of BC (Nissan&Toyota) war and car import freeing
8.2 Elegance competitioniConcours de Elegance)
8.3 The next model plan which is enthusiastic
8.4 The time to descition
Verification & Summary
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
Verification & Summary
New - Hino's DreamAEntrusting to Contessa
(In WorkingF2004.07.23j
7. The history where the samurai is cut off
7.1 Run maneuvers of "Pete's dream" 7.3 Directing to 4th Japanese grand prix
7.2 Secret project 7.4 Beginning an introduction of tragedy

7. The history where the samurai is cut off

Just before 4th Japanese grand prix in the end of April of 1967, the HINO SAMURAI wrapped by the elegant aerodynamic body which loads Hino GR100 engine arrived in Japan from Los Angeles, Califorinia, U.S.A. with Peter Brock. However, the HINO SAMURAI went away with grand prix race without running the track of the Fuji speed while the spectators a little more than of 80,000 wait in grand prix race.

Hino Samurai Proto loaded into the cargo flight of PANAM at Los Angeles airport in order to enter in Japanese Grand Prix several days after Fuji International Speedway


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