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The descent of Hino to Contessa 1300
Major events about Contessa 1300

New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa
1. Contessa 1300 which bets future of the company
1.1 Debut to year of Tokyo Olympics
1.2 The straw of barley hat which could be sold in large quantities
1.3 Announcement - Car of tomorrow from Torino, Italy
1.4 Tokyo motor show which designates liberalize of Japan's trade as before
2. Count lady (Contessa) to created
2.1 The Origin, Hoshiko-ism
2.2 Why was Renault 4CV selected?
2.3 Technical acquisition to complete domestic production
2.4 The parting with Renault
2.5 Appearance of a special night‐duty squad
3. Encounter with Michelotti
3.1 At Torino bar
3.2 The Contessa 1300 plan
3.3 Gift of Michelotti - 900 Sprint
3.4 The marketing plan which goes out
4. The birth of Contessa 1300
4.1 Creating high quality RR engine
4.2 Exciting argument with Michelotti
4.3 Towarding to the completion of Contessa 1300
5. The challenge of Count lady (Contessa)
5.1 First Japanese Grand Prix conquest
5.2 Challenge and company team is organized
5.3 New GT Proto and New Engine
5.4 Wining in the first round at Fuji Motor Speedway
6. The Yankee who became the samurai
6.1 A come‐from‐behind victory of the wonder which goes out
6.2 Race will sells the car!
6.3 Pete Brock Project
6.4 Victory! L.A. Times grand prix
7. The history where the samurai is cut off
7.1 Run maneuvers of "Pete's dream"
7.2 Secret project
7.3 Directing to 4th Japanese grand prix
7.4 Beginning an introduction of tragedy
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
8.1 Interim of BC (Nissan&Toyota) war and car import freeing
8.2 Elegance competition(Concours de Elegance)
8.3 The next model plan which is enthusiastic
8.4 The time to descition
Verification & Summary
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
Verification & Summary

Major events about Hino Contessa 1300 (Including relating events)
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To talk the history of Hino Contessa 1300, it is desired that you understand from the development of Hino Contessa 900 which becomes the predecessor and status around that. Below is something which it collected to the list as a data in order to receive the testimony of history of the authorized personnel of the Hino Motors the inclosure "Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa" at the time of collection of data. Contents itself have done part correction from that that time, presently it is the under way. Furthermore, the source includes the general media of that time (the newspaper & the magazine) and the data by Hino Motors (the corporation history & corporation information).

Date Poject Event More

1956 (Eraly) Contessa 900 Start of concrete examination about Contessa 900 No
1956 (Late) Contessa 900 Selecting candidate from several clay models No
1957 Hino Commerce 日野コンマース、企画・設計に着手 No
1957.7 Contessa 900 Completion of one scale model by hand metal working No
1958.1 Contessa 900 Completion of 1st experimental car No
1959.10.1 General Established Hino Renault Car Owners Club with 400 members No
1959 (Late) General Carrying out pricing down Hino Renault: and Announced Hino Commerce at Autoshow as multi purpose commercial mini-van No
1960.1 Contessa 900 Mmoved to field testing in out side of company after two years of internal testing No
1960.2.2 General Authorized the extension of technology assistance contract with Renault dated 1960.2., that was applied from Hino to government. This means Hino may produce another 2 years and the payment of royalty about technology assistance was reduced approximately 40%. Also, the payment of royalty about supply parts was released. Therefore as for the latest contract it became very profitable for Hino. No
1960.2 General Completion of building dedicated factory about small engine No
1960.2 Hino Commerce 日野コンマース、発売開始 No
1960.2中旬 General 三井精機“ハンビー”280台、タイに輸出契約 No
1960.4.3 General The signboard garlic car, Hino Renault, that runs - "You give 100 Hino Renaults simply", that it announced, Hino received the application 30,000 from many motor fans. Delivery ceremony for "The signboard garlic car which it runs" by SB food was done at Tokyo Hino Motors, Suginami place at April 3rd. No
1960.5.16 General Carrying out pricing down from 575,000 J-yen to 525,000 J-yen (Standard Model) and from 624,000 J-yen to 575,000 J-yen (Deluxe Model) (Those are the pricing based on Tokyo region) No
1960.7.8〜17 日野ルノー 東京日本橋、高島屋の「台所から生まれる生活展」のポニー・ハウスに日野ルノー展示 No
1960.7.14〜8.20 Hino Commerce 第九回江戸趣味納涼大会(上野忍ばずの池)の「新しい生活コーナー展」に日野コンマース展示 No
1960.7.27 General Nihon Motorist Club tried to examine for round trip of mountain road called Shomaru-Toge. No
1960.8 General ハンビー、300台、ビルマへ No
1960.Autumn Contessa 1300 After completion of designing and engineering of Contessa 900, started to contact and negotiate the design of Contessa 1300 to Michelotti in Italy. No
1960.10.21 General Tokyo Hino Motors (Sales Channel) donated Hino Renault to 16 universities (Waseda, Keio, Hitotsubashi, Tokyo, Sennshu, Nihon, Chuo, Seijyo, Seikei, Asia, Hosei, Meiji, Rikkyo, Tokodai, Aouamagakuinn, Kakushoku). No
1960.10.24〜 General 第7回全日本自動車ショー(東京晴海の貿易センター),日野コンマース(キャンパー含む)、ルノー4CV展示 No
1960.11.1 Hino Commerce 駐日米大使ダクラス・マッカーサ二世、日野コンマースのキャンパーを賞賛 No
1961.Spring Contessa 1300 The informal contract of designing Contessa 1300 by Michelotti No
1961.2.26 Contessa 900 Internal observation No
1961.2.27 Contessa 900 Press Release of Contessa 900 No
1961.3.1-2 Contessa 900 Public announcement of new model, Contessa 900 at Shinagawa Price Hotel No
1961.3.11-12 General Private Hino Motor-show in Burma (currently the Union of Myanma) No
1961.3 General Exported 180 of Hino Commerce to Thailand, 100 to Burmam, 60 to Hong Kong, and 30 to Indonesian No
1961.4.1 Contessa 900 Start of Sales Hino Contessa 900 and Briska (Small commercial vehicle including pickup truck) No
1961.4 Contessa 1300 Formally started the project with Michelotti aboout designing Contessa 1300 No
1961.4.17〜5.7 General 第4回東京国際見本市(東京晴海)にコンマース、コンテッサ、ブリスカを展示 No
1961.5.4 General 定例取締役会に於いて、広瀬会長は取締役から相談役、大久保社長は代表取締役のまま取締役会長、松方副社長は代表取締役ならびに取締役社長、取締役副社長に菅波販売会社社長が現職のまま就任へと。 No
1961.5 Contessa 1300 Basic plan was fixed, then started designing and engineering No
1961.8 Contessa 1300 Basic layout as plan was sent to Michelotte. No
1961.10.24-11.7 General 8th all Nihon Motorshow was held in trading center in Tokyo Harumi Pier. No
1961.11 Contessa 1300 Received the sketches from Michelotti, then carry out at board meeting. No
1961.11 General 中南部インド学術調査隊:神秘の謎をさぐる15,000km後援に日野コンマース2台と社員2名が参加する。 No
1961.11.30 General 36回定時株主総会及び取締役に於いて、販売会社専務取締役の内田一郎氏が常務取締役(輸出担当)に新任 No
1961.12 Contessa 1300 Representatives composed of engineering manger and Sales company went to Trino, Italy for final meeting with Michellotti. No
1961.12 Contessa 1300 Received drawing with geometry from Michellotti No
1961はじめ Hino Commerce インドネシア海軍にコンマース40台納入 No
1962.2 日野ブリスカ ブリスカにライトバン、ピックアップ、そしてパネルバんの新機種を追加 No
1962.2-5 Contessa 1300 Hino engineer for body stayed in Trio for making body in white No
1962.2.23-3.2 Contessa 900 Exhibited Contessa 900 at Japan Motor Show in Bangkok No
1962.3 Contessa 1300 Started preliminary testing with modified Contessa 900 No
1962.3.9 Contessa 900 Shipped Conteessa 900 to Okinawa in the purpose of exhibition by the port of Yokohama No
1962.3.28 Contessa 900 Shipped Conteessa 900 to several countries in the purpose of exhibition by the port of Yokohama No
1962.4.14-17 General Seven Contessa 900 (left hander) and others were displayed in Hono's new model exhibition in Naha city, a capital of Okinawa. All of cars displayed was sold in there. No
1962.5なかば General マレー、シンガポール地区へのコンテッサ・キャンペーン開始、サンプルカー、2台を出荷 No
1962.5.19 General Completed to contact continuation of domestic production with extending two years in free charge about Renault 4CV in Japan and to purchase contract of domestic production about supply parts that means purchasing unlimited manufacturing right. No
1962.6 Contessa 1300 Michlotti started to develop Contessa 900 Sprint. No
1962.6(?) General 広告指定文字、コンテッサ、ブリスカ、ルノーについて製品名に「日野」を付け、企業イメージとして「日野」と製品名のデザインにする。 No
1962.6(?) コンテッサ900 香港に累計30台のコンテッサを出荷 No
1962.6(?) コンテッサ900 東パキスタン、ダッカ代理店、日本総領事にコンテッサ販売 No
1962.6(?) コンテッサ900 アラビア、クエート向けにコンテッサ10台を出荷 No
1962.6.15 General Separating production line from main factory to new Hamura was completed, the movement posture to the factory, Hamura completes. No
1962.6.26 日野ブリスカ 大阪市難波の南海電気鉄道へのバス納入200台突破記念に2台のブリスカを贈呈 No
1962夏 コンテッサ900 タイ、サリット首相にコンテッサを贈呈。9月迄に販売計画、累計120台 No
1962夏 Contessa 900 東南アジア地区、コンテッサ販売推進のためにタイ、バンコクのテレビ(アーミィ:陸軍のチャネル)に2ヶ月スポット放送 No
1962.Summer Contessa 900 An agreement of Exporting 100 of Contessa 900 to Thailand was made between Hino and Victory Auto via Mitsui Trading in Thailand. No
1962.7 コンテッサ900 カンボジア(旧フランス植民地)へコンテッサをサンプル輸出。年内に60台の出荷が確実に。ルノー市場独占に切り込む。 No
1962.9 一般 総セールスマン:従業員(五千人)およびその家族を対象とした販売奨励制度発足 No
1962.9.20 Contessa 900 Competed the contract about CKD of Contessa 900 No
1962.10 Contessa 1300 Completed development of Contessa 900 Sprint No
1962.10 Contessa 1300 1st experimental engine was competed, then started actual testing. No
1962.10.31-11.8 Contessa 1300 Contessa 900 Spring was displayed in Torino Autoshow. No
1962.10.25 General 9th All Nihon Autoshow No
1962.11 Contessa 1300 Engineering manager went to Torino in the refinement of the body again No
1962.11 Contessa 1300 Completed designing body strunctire No
1962.12 Contessa 1300 Formal contract about designing Contessa 1300 between Hino and Michlotti No
1962.12.1 日野ブリスカ 新型FG30ブリスカ発売開始(旧はFG10)。キャブが2バレルに。 No
1962.Autumn Contessa 900 As a result of sample shipment in July to Cambodia, settled the shipment of 60 Hino Contessa 900 No
1963.1 Contessa 1300 HIno Contessa 900 Sprint will be produced in Intay plant with importing transmission, chassis, and power plant from Japan. The pricing planned is US$2,300.00 and the production will begin in October with 5,000 at the initial lot. It aimed to export EC and US market. No
1963.2 Contessa 900 Sample display of Contessa 900 at Bangkok Motorshow in Thailand No
1963.2 General Announced planning of production of 100/month and 30/month for Contessa and heavy truck respectively in JV fashion with Victory Auto in Thailand No
1963.2.9-25 Contessa 900 Displayed Contessa 900 at Manila Motor show and there was the sale contract of 6 Contessa in 1st day No
1963.3.14 Contessa 900 Displayed Contessa 900 Sprint at Geneva Auto Show No
1963.4.11 Contessa 900 Participation of Constessa 900 to East African Safai (By Privately Team) No
1963.4.14 Contessa 1300 Displayed Contessa 900 Sprint at New York Auto Show No
1963.5.3 General 1st Nihon Grand prix Automotive Race No
1963.Summer Contessa 1300 Completion of designing and engineering volume production No
1963.8.28 General Large quantity export of Brisk by CKD contract with VL Motors in The Republic of South Africa and start 100 Briska/month from August 28 No
1963.8 Contessa 900 Delivering 187 Contessa 900 to Hirosima Taxi No
1963.10.25-11.10 General Release Contessa 900 Sprint designed by Michelotti at 10th Tokyo Motor Show No
1963.11 General Denoted Hino's merge issue with Toyota No
1964.1 Contessa 1300 Completion of last trial mode with final specification No
1964.Spring Contessa 1300 Completion of trail mass production with several dozen units No
1964.3.26-30 Contessa 900 Participation of 4 Constessa 900S to East African Safai No
1964.6-8 Contessa 1300 Continuation running test of 16,000km in Australia No
1964.7 Contessa 1300 Start of mass production in the production line No
1964.8.31 コンテッサ1300 東京高輪プリンスホテルにてコンテッサ1300及び同クーペ発表会。ジョバンニ・ミケロッティも同席 No
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