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The descent of Hino to Contessa 1300
Major events about Contessa 1300

New - Hino's DreamAEntrusting to Contessa
1. Contessa 1300 which bets future of the company
1.1 Debut to year of Tokyo Olympics
1.2 The straw of barley hat which could be sold in large quantities
1.3 Announcement - Car of tomorrow from Torino, Italy
1.4 Tokyo motor show which designates liberalize of Japan's trade as before
2. Count lady (Contessa) to created
2.1 The Origin, Hoshiko-ism
2.2 Why was Renault 4CV selected?
2.3 Technical acquisition to complete domestic production
2.4 The parting with Renault
2.5 Appearance of a special night]duty squad
3. Encounter with Michelotti
3.1 At Torino bar
3.2 The Contessa 1300 plan
3.3 Gift of Michelotti - 900 Sprint
3.4 The marketing plan which goes out
4. The birth of Contessa 1300
4.1 Creating high quality RR engine
4.2 Exciting argument with Michelotti
4.3 Towarding to the completion of Contessa 1300
5. The challenge of Count lady (Contessa)
5.1 First Japanese Grand Prix conquest
5.2 Challenge and company team is organized
5.3 New GT Proto and New Engine
5.4 Wining in the first round at Fuji Motor Speedway
6. The Yankee who became the samurai
6.1 A come]from]behind victory of the wonder which goes out
6.2 Race will sells the car!
6.3 Pete Brock Project
6.4 Victory! L.A. Times grand prix
7. The history where the samurai is cut off
7.1 Run maneuvers of "Pete's dream"
7.2 Secret project
7.3 Directing to 4th Japanese grand prix
7.4 Beginning an introduction of tragedy
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
8.1 Interim of BC (Nissan&Toyota) war and car import freeing
8.2 Elegance competitioniConcours de Elegance)
8.3 The next model plan which is enthusiastic
8.4 The time to descition
Verification & Summary
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
Verification & Summary

Major events about Hino Contessa 1300 (Including relating events)
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To talk the history of Hino Contessa 1300, it is desired that you understand from the development of Hino Contessa 900 which becomes the predecessor and status around that. Below is something which it collected to the list as a data in order to receive the testimony of history of the authorized personnel of the Hino Motors the inclosure "Hino's DreamAEntrusting to Contessa" at the time of collection of data. Contents itself have done part correction from that that time, presently it is the under way. Furthermore, the source includes the general media of that time (the newspaper & the magazine) and the data by Hino Motors (the corporation history & corporation information).

Date Poject Event More

1964.8.31 Contessa 1300 Announcement of Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at Tokyo Takanawa Prince Hotel with J. Michelotti No
1964.9 Contessa 1300 Starting of Sales of Contessa 1300 Sedan No
1964.10.1-11 General 51th Paris Motor Show (Contessa 1300 Sedan - 2 cars) No
1964.10.31-11.11 General 46th Trino Auto Show (Contessa 1300 Sedan - 2 cars) No
1964.11.2 General 11th Tokyo Motor Show No
1964.10.10 Contessa 900 At Riverside GP (California, USA), Contessa GT obtained G Class 2nd by Bob Dunham. No
1964.11.1. Contessa 900 At Willow Springs Hill climb (California, USA), Contessa GT wined with R, Danhum in 1100cc class and 1.2 mile, and Pete Brock got 2nd. No
1964.11.22 Contessa 900 Bob Dunham with Contessa 900GT got 1st in class and 6th in total at Del Mar Race No
1964.12 General Hino and Price made inroads into Thailand market in CKD fashion. No
1965.1.22. General Shoji Okubu, the chairman of Hino Motors died. No
1965.2 Contessa 1300 Exhibited to the international trade fair in Guatemala No
1965.3.11-3.21 Contessa 1300 Displayed 10 of Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at Trino Show No
1965.4.1 Contessa 1300 Starting of Sales of Contessa 1300 Coupe No
1965.4.3-11 Contessa 1300 Displayed Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at 9th Annual New York International Auto Show No
1965.6 Contessa 1300 For Australia shipment of Contessa 1300, it has already done 80 in May and 122 in June. It is planned 100 every month. The agent is West Co in Bliss vane. It aimed 200/month in neat year. No
1965.10.1 Contessa 1300 Eported 300 of Hino Contessa to the Caribbean sea archipelago successively. The popularity of Contessa 1300 is explosive ones. No
1965.10.7-17 Contessa 1300 Displayed Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe in The 52nd Paris Motor Show No
1965.10 Contessa 1300 Completion of contract exporting 50 Contessa 1300 sedan and Coupe (each 25) with E.DUJARDIN.S.A. in Paris, France. Other country, Finland, Danish, Norway, Switzerland, and British English also begin to export soon.
1965.10 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Sedan that was produced by the company in Isarael will be exported to its market via the agent in Greece, To date, 100 of Contessa 1300 Sedan was exported by israel. but Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe will be directly exported to Grecce from Japan. No
1965.10.20 Contessa 1300 Displayed Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at The 50th London Motor Show No
1965.10.28-11.11 General Displayed 10 of Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at 12th Tokyo Motor Show No
1965.11.1 Contessa 1300 Starting of sales of new model, Contessa 1300S No
1965.11.3-14 Contessa 1300 Displayed 10 of Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at Trino Show No
1966.1.12-2.3 Contessa 1300 Displayed Contessa 1300 Sedan (2) and Coupe at The 15th Brussels Automotive Show in Brussels, Belgium through the agent, Automotive Fabric Co, in the Netherlands No
1966.1.16 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Sedan totally won at Happy valley driving contest in Cyprus island. The driver is a president of Tricomitis Ltd. that is the importer of Hino. 50+ Cpmtessa 1300 was exported tpt this island. No
1966.1.16 Contessa 1300 Now average is 10 cars in every month to Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) since starting export in October of 1965 No
1966.2 Contessa 1300 Hino Automotive Company was established by the agent in Switzerland with Hino and the place is Lancy in the suburbs of Geneva. A more real export than March is started as follows:
1. Export quantity at initial: Each 10 of Contessa 1300 Sedan and 1300 coupe in complete car fashion
2. Annual export target: 300 - 500
3. Sale method: Via dealer and sub-agent under current agent
1966.2 Contessa 1300 Exporting Contessa to New Zealand by KD Fashion: The agent agreement with Canberra Motors in Auckland, New Zealand was made as follows:
1. Export quantity of Contessa 1300 is 300
2. Export method is CKD
3. Shipment will start in March, and finish in June
4. Annual export target: 300
1966.3.10-20. Contessa 1300 Displayed Hino Contessa 1300 Sedan and Coupe at Geneva Show in Geneva, Switzerland by cooperating with Hino Automobile No
1966.4.13-24 Contessa 1300 Displayed Hino Contessa 1300 Sedan (2) and Coupe at Barocelona Auto Show via Spain agent, Tanacos. It was only one maker form Japan. No
1966.4.27 Contessa 1300 The start of work ceremony is done at the factory of Automobil Fabric Corp. corporation which are the agency of Benelux countries. It is planned to produce and sell more than 500 caras inclusding Contesa and Trucks (TH) in the initial year instead of exporting complete Hino Contessa that has been expotring 100 Contessa every month. No
1966.5 Contessa 1300 Exporting 1000 vehicles to Automobile Facric Copr in Netherland. It will move to KD production next year. No
1966.6.27 General "ISUZU Hino both merger" denial conversations (Sankei morning edition) No
1966.7.16 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Coupe registered by dealer and Contessa 1300 sedan entered privately received a prize of the honorable grand prix in the class of Profeccional division and private division, respectively at 1966 international automobile elegance competition that was held in Franders, Belgium. No
1966.7.25 Contessa 1300 Starting sales of Sports Kits No
1966.8.14 Contessa 1300 Yamanishi and Hino Proto won at All Nippon Racing Drivers Championship. No
1966.8.21 Contessa 1300 Public announcement and ceremony about Contessa assembled in New Zealand at Canberra Motors in the suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand No
1966.10.15 General Announcement of business tie-up by both Toyota and Hino No
1966.10.26-11.8 General 13th Tokyo Motorshow No
1966.10.28-30 Contessa 1300 Won at 9th Times GP in Riverside, California, USA No
1966.12 General As a result of business tie-up with Toyota, Hino's trainees at Toyota departured to Nagoya from Tokyo station. No
1966.12 General Both Toyota and Hino are signing business tie-up contract. No
1967.1.15 Contessa 1300 The Samura Coupe (winning car of 9th Times GP) decorated New Year Race. No
1967.2 General Business tie-up contract intermediate announcement by both Toyota and Hino No
1967.3 Contessa 1300 30 of Contessa was exported to Cameroon ( central African west seashore) via the agent since 3 years ago. No
1967.3.19 Contessa 1300 In 1st all Nippon Sports Car Race in 1967, Contessa Coupe won. No
1967.3 General Completion of Hino Hamura factory. The factory was completed shortly in period by the technical guidance of the Toyota Motor Corporation. It is 789,000 square meter with floor space 88,000 square meter, and has the capacity of 7,000 vehicles of monthly production by 1,300 employees. New small truck ' HiLux ' and "Publica-Van' of the Toyota Motor Corporation presently are made. It does not produce the engine,
but the body and paint, and the entire assembly have taken charge of the job. Since the Hino Motors with Toyota, it is observed as first real resultant
1967.4 Contessa 1300 Exporting Contessa sedan 300 in Pakistan to date No
1967.4.9 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Coupe wins with the Cyprus spring shielded race. No
1967.4.13-16 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 sendan victories at the Philippine Luzon island 1 lap durable rally. No
1967.5.12 General Renewd Briska - Hino Briska (FH100) to Toyota Briska (GY10) No
1967.6.2 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Coupe - 3 year continual honorable grand prix (elegance competition) No
1967.7.29 Contessa 1300 Contessa 1300 Coupe - In addition honorable grand prix prize winning (elegance competition) No
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