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(to Those days)
This section is to describe the activity and hobby about motorsports by the owner after Hino has been withdrew from sales & maintenance and motorsports field.
Challenge!! New Legend of Contessa at 21 century (New Year NRC Suzuka Golden Trophy Race, 2005.01.16) (J)
TACS Tsukuba Meeting (1988.3.12) (J)
Video Clips
Challenge!! 21st Century Legend (part 1) NRC (2005.1.16)
Challenge!! 21st Century Legend (part 2) NRC (2005.1.16)
In car camera
TACS Tsukuba Meeting (1986.3.9)
Hino Contessa - Rain Dancing
Active action at Tsukuba Circuit by former Hino Racing Team Driver


Today's motorsport by Hino Contessa

Reporting the activity by the owner with her/his lovely Hino Contessa
(including official competition and any running events)
Above: Mille Miglia Japan (1992.10.31 at Fuji Speedway) , Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe L participated in reproducing Japan Grand prix by Satoshi Ezawa (This car is actually lightweight competiotion model with modification for USA 1967 season)
Left: 4th Japan Grand prix by Team Samura and Bob Dunham (1967.5.3, copied from Autosports magazine). This car was the winner of sedan race of L.A. Times Grand prix (1966.10)