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Renault Hino (1953) KD Production
Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe: Delux Model and Standard Model
Reference: The model of postwar Hino's passenger car, Regie Renault: The Renault 4CV (Early model for U.S.A. market)
Tokyo Motor Show Special - 50th Anniversary (J)
Hino Commerce Special (50th Year's Cerebration) (J)
Hino Contessa 900 Special (50th Year's Cerebration) (J)
Number of Production
Number of Current Registration in Japan (J)
Hino Cars Global Census Project (J)
Video Clips
Commercial picture of Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe
Toyota Briska 1300 (Only existing one)

HIno Cars
Number of Production

Data by Hino Motors (Samll Vehicles)
Model Name
Renault 4CV
Agreement with Renault about manufacturing and sale in July, 1952. Complete domestic production in September. 1959. Termination of production at August, 1963 and Technology Transfer from Renault at March, 1964.
HIno Commerce
Starting sales in Feb., 1960 and terminating production in 1962.
Hino Contessa 900
Starting sales in April, 1961 and terminating production in 1964.
Hino Contessa 1300
Starting sales in September, 1964 (Coupe was in April, 1965) and terminating production in 1967.
Hino Briska 900
Starting sales in April, 1961 and terminating production in 1964.
Hino Briska 1300
Starting sales in April, 1965 and transferred to Toyota Motors as Toyota Briska in May, 1967 (Predefined limited 10,000 of production through one year)
Simple summation of each production

Insight and Analysis by us:

Hino Motors, Ltd. doesn't make any public announcement about termination in productions of Contessa 1300. According to "The history for Hino Motors 40 years" of the company, as the event in 1967, it only and simply describes "discontinuance from the contessa production and the passenger car section", and the important matter about accurate data and month blank. So, when was terminated Contessa 1300 production actually? If we review some sources such as the content about an announcement of tie-up at October of 1966 and formal agreement at the end of March 1967, in addition to public data about monthly basis number of production we researched, the following things are seen.

  • The number of production in March, 1967 has decreased sharply from 1025 of last month to 301 of almost 1/3 or less. Perhaps, we view that the operation of mass production was lost about this.
  • The number of production in May, 1968 has also decreased sharply from 100 of last month to 23. We view this to be stop of soecially produced even little in some way completely. Afterwards, 175 of Hino Contessa 1300 went sadly out of the factory until October, 1969 including an inventory clearance for both domestic and export purpose.

It is as mentioned above. If we see the engine compartment of Contessa 1300 Coupe that was produced after May, 1968, we can see some parts with "TOYOTA" marks such as bolts. We view Hino used the inventory parts (or complement parts) from Toyota Briska that was also already terminated the production in order to sell small number of Hino Contessa 1300.

By the above view, we would analyze, mass production discontinuance might have to be thought March, 1967. And, we guess the day after it may by special ordering production. Then, we would see the date of October, 1969 is completely terminated the production by nothing order or nothing inventory including custom simply modified export left hander model to domestic right hander model in regulation.

As described in the above, the company did not announce the termination of production, but the sales side announced the continuation of selling Hino Contessa 1300 right after the formal agreement of tie up business operation with Toyota in early April of 1967. Also Hino continued to budget the investment for racing activity in domestic including the Hino Samurai. We see it was for preventing confusion or uneasiness in the customer who brought Hino Contessa 1300 on the monthly installment plan, according parties concerned testimonies.

(SE, 2009.10.24)
