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Renault Hino (1953) KD Production
Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe: Delux Model and Standard Model
Reference: The model of postwar Hino's passenger car, Regie Renault: The Renault 4CV (Early model for U.S.A. market)
Tokyo Motor Show Special - 50th Anniversary (J)
Hino Commerce Special (50th Year's Cerebration) (J)
Hino Contessa 900 Special (50th Year's Cerebration) (J)
Number of Production
Number of Current Registration in Japan (J)
Hino Cars Global Census Project (J)
Video Clips
Commercial picture of Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe
Toyota Briska 1300 (Only existing one)

Cars about Hino
Commercial picture of Hino Contessa 1300 Coupe - Premio d'onore (Honor Prize)

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