コンテッサ1300の誕生、高品質車の展開 - The birth of Contessa 1300

Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)

4. コンテッサ1300の誕生


chapter4 Eiffel


The birth of Contessa 1300

New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)

4. The birth of Contessa 1300

The public announcement and sales of Contessa 1300 was in 1964 September, but Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereafter Hino) has been decided the basic design regarding Contessa 1300 in May,1961, then, in August, the overall requirment specification was sent to Michelotti which requests the body design. And the same time, the development of the new engine had already started. It was the technical challenge or war about the issue of the heat against the cooling as the engineer because of the big engine scaled up based on Contessa 900 as the rear engine.

chapter4 Eiffel

After starting Contessa 1300 sales in Japan, It was made an exhibition at Parry show in Renault's home ground, and this picture with the Eiffel Tower was distributed for presses. The encounter with Michelotti was Monsieur Eiffel's introduction. And it was CONTESSA 1300 ripened based on Renault's technology. Into this one picture, it is felt that the respect to a teacher and the background of such a history.

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