日野コンテッサは日本が経済大国に突入する前に日野自動車工業において世界にはばたくべく大型商用車と共に二本柱の一本となる筈だった。しかし、美しい伯爵夫人=コンテッサは日本経済発展のための企業再編成と言う時代の波によってひっそりと世を去ったのであった。“Una Tragedia Della Contessa = 悲劇のコンテッサ”、その誕生から終焉の日までの奇跡をたどる。
Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)

Hino's Dream, Entrusting to Contessa
New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa - Una Tragedia Della Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)
Fall of 1964,, Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereafter, Hino) announced new model car "Contessa 1300" with Tokyo motor show as before. It has aimed at not only a Japanese market but the world market with the technology of the car engineering of the rational rear engine architecture since the domestic production of the French Renault during postwar restoration and rapid growth and the sprit of "GAS-DEN DAMASHII" (the way of Gas electric, the spirit of former company of Hino) since Tokyo Gas electricity industrial of pre-world war II under the basis of grand entrepreneurship.
Japan was the time which people committed violently intently aiming at development of Japan, development of a company, and improvement in a life as a process to a subsequent economic big power in 1950 to the 60s. In the meantime, aiming at the industrial establishment of a state, introduction of technological know-hows, technical cooperation, and many policys for protecting Japan's growth from foreign funding further were given from many foreign countries at an early stage. Trade liberalization, capital liberalization, etc. promote free competition in such environment, and it was also what obstructs it simultaneously. Not only Japan but many outstanding industrial products evaluated globally were produced in that time. However, there was also a thing with the fate which cannot but disappear without dominating a market against a developer's romance. Isn't Contessa 1300 one of them, either?
Old car enthusiast is easy to fall, to such as superiority of design of the love car which is owned or superiority of mechanism to have interest in the part where simply it touches the eye. Although it does not deny by it, if it sees in contact with a car through the thick thought of a maker, a developer, and the persons concerned as romance with considering the cultural background and ecomonocal environment which the past car has had. Especially to Hino Contessa 1300, I think that the fatal portion would be in the life and death in the history of development of the auto industry of Japan. This series investigates what thing this was.

A catalog of those days: Probably, popularization of motorization was planned. Since Hino Commerce (Samll Mini Van), the catalog of Hino had many techniques of drawing the pleasure of the motoring which took such a time in advance.
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