Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)
8. 終結:悲劇の伯爵夫人
- 8.1 BC戦争と乗用車輸入自由化の狭間 - 弱小メーカーの悲哀
- 8.2 エレガンスコンクール - 日本車初の国際的評価
- 8.3 意欲的だった次期モデル計画 - 少数モデル故に
- 8.4 決断の時 - 終焉に向けて

Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)
8. Conclusion: Count lady (Contessa) of tragedy
Samurai incident with the 4th Japanese grand prix which happens as though it is introduction of tragedy - It was the nonfiction kind of drama which talked the destiny of Contessa 1300 just with silence. In April 1967 immediately before this already as for her it was out from the production line of Contessa 1300 of Hino Motros, Ltd. (hereafter, HIno). The lifecycle of Contessa 1300 that was developed to be world market car with putting Hino's heart and soul was only 2 years and 7 months since line off 1st car in hot summer of 1964, and the destiny even excessively was short-lived as though it is the beauty unfortunate.

Witness of history, Contessa's Cray models of silence: For this series at that time, everyone of design office took out from the storage warehouse, and did the cleaner rise finely. The condition is very fine even It has passed long period. With this This opportunity, It is said that a CONTESSA coupe came to be exhibited by the receptionist counter of a design office.
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