Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)
6. サムライになったヤンキー
- 6.1 消えた驚異の逆転優勝 - ロサンゼルス郊外のリバーサイドにて
- 6.2 レースはクルマを売る! - 日野への提案書
- 6.3 ピート・ブロック・プロジェクト - 正にカリフォルニア・カルチャー
- 6.4 勝利! - L.A.タイムズ・グランプリ

The Yankee who became the samurai
New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)
6. The Yankee who became the samurai
Following to the development of GT Proto positively in 1966 as a place of challenge of technology, Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereafter Hino) formed the TEAM SAMURAI with Peter Brock in order to promote exporting Contessa 1300 to American market and focused to participate to sedan race positively with the Contessa 1300 coupe in West Coast, U.S.A. In the body of Contessa, the following the poem of the samurai spirit that is full of fight:

Team SAMURAI: Starting testing in Los Angeles suburbs. The selling effect in the local and shortening development of a car was aimed. This concept does not change even at today in the automotive industry.
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