ルノーとの比較:日野コンテッサ1300セダン - Comparison with Renault: Hino Contessa 1300 Sedan




by Maurice. Davin, West Australia


(SE, 2006.10.1, Original)

Comparison with Renault - Hino Contessa 1300 Sedan

Today, a friend and I compared his 1968 Renault R10 with my 1967 Contessa. My friend, Mark Bird has completed a world class full restoration on his Renault and it is in new condition. We drove each other's cars and took some photographs at a local aerodrome.

We came to some conclusions: the Renault has the better seats, brakes and maybe slightly lighter and faster steering. The Hino has a better clutch, gear change, engine torque and aerodynamics.

Both cars are quite different in character, but the common heritage can be felt. It was a most interesting comparison.


(Maurice. Davin, West Australia, 2006.10.1 (Original))

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