Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)
5. 伯爵夫人の挑戦
- 5.1 第一回日本グランプリ参戦 - 日本初の国際レース
- 5.2 挑戦 - 第二回日本グランプリ、ワークス体制を組む
- 5.3 新GTプロト - 新たなエンジン
- 5.4 J-494 & YE28 - 富士の緒戦を飾る

日野GT Protoのバリエーション
The challenge of Count lady (Contessa) at Circuit Track
New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)
5. The challenge of Count lady (Contessa)
Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereafter Hino) was the manufacturer which advanced the activity with the circuit track positively not only the production model of the car with the prototype car as a place of challenge of technology. As seen in Japanese first Formula Car, Del Contessa etc., the heroical form which cannot do either the imagination from name of the elegant count lady was in the circuit track.

The variation of Hino GT Proto
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