Una Tragedia Della Contessa(イタリア語。「悲劇の伯爵夫人」の意)
2. 伯爵夫人(コンテッサ)誕生へ - オリジナル国産乗用車造り
- 2.1 原点、星子イズム - The Origin, Hoshiko-ism
- 2.2 なぜルノー4CVを選択したか - ライセンス生産
- 2.3 完全国産化への技術習得 - 複写から創造へ
- 2.4 ルノーとの決別、デザインはアメリカン - コンテッサ900
- 2.5 ふくろう部隊の出現 - 闇の中を疾走する試作車


Count lady (Contessa) to created - Creating Hino's oriinal passenger car
New - Hino's Dream、Entrusting to Contessa (In Working:2004.07.23)
2. Count lady (Contessa) to created - Creating Hino's oriinal passenger car
1964 September, Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereafter Hino) produced long-awaited small-sized car Contessa 1300 that is able to export to the world market even in Western society of car advanced nation with self-confidence. That was dream from the time of Hino's establishment which cultivates "An ism of Hoshiko". This section will describe mentioning the history of Hino's effort of the small-sized car toward Contessa. That was the encounter with wonderful people around Hino.

At production line of Renault 4CV in KD fashion: It is an early painting process line as a result of Renault's technical supply contract. Female activity is conspicuous.

Comparison reference for understanding similarity: It is a paint line at Renault of those days.
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