2015.3.3:Question about Hino Contessa 900


Name: Alan Mulad

Location: Un Known

Purpose: Question about Hino Contessa 900

Dear Sir\Madam,

I  know  this is  an unusual request  but  as  I am  a  proud  owner  of 

1965 HINO CONTESSA 900 !

I wonder  if  you  could  help  me  with copies  of :


staff  or  documentation   regardimg this  rare  beautifull  car :)

I thank you  in  advance  for  your  understanding and  help amd  is  you 

wish  i can send  you photos  of  my contessa 900 if  you  wish  to present 

i n  your  museum :)

Thank you

(2015.3.9 & 2015.6.18)

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