ルノー日野 KD 生産(2)近代的自動車工場への幕開け - Renault Hino (1953) Knockdown Production (2)




  • グリーソン社製歯切機械の大量設備
  • トランスファマシンによるシリンダブロックの流れ加工
  • サンドスリンガー式の鋳造設備
  • 2000tプレスを中心としたプレスライン群ジグウェルダー
  • スポット溶接の大量設備
  • P&Fコンベア、フロア、台車コンベア、ハンガーコンベアを縦横に利用した塗装組立工場
  • 組立から検査まで一貫したラインを組んだエンジン工場、




Renault Hino (1953) Knockdown Production (2)

The origin of re-revival of the Japanese product engineering & manufacturing: learning from ancient people

An opening scene of a play to a modern car factory (by Hino Motors document)

The period of the high growth of economy of the first half of 1960's was the time of pioneering of the private car times at the same time. In response to needs of the time, the car makers competed for construction of a new factory. In Hino Motors, a factory for exclusive use of a thing of Contessa was built. In addition, new substantiality of many facilities of production had a remarkable thing.

A main thing is as follows:

  • large quantity of facilities of an articulation machine made in Gleason company
  • Flow processing of a cylinder block with a transfer machine
  • Sandslinger - type casting facilities
  • Press line crowd jig welding mainly on 2000 ton press
  • A large quantity of facilities of spot welding
  • The painting & assembly plant which used A P & F conveyer, floor, truck conveyer, and hunging conveyer in lengthwise and crosswise.
  • Engine plant crossed the line from assembly through to testing

A modernization flow method and automation were fully shown, and the times of mass production came.

It was pushed forward with it, but it was promotion of a system of a pyramid type of a cooperation maker & outside order maker. In other words I see a limit in productive capacity in own company except steel plate of original materials department, casting & forging materials when mass production scale is beyond 500-1000 monthly productions. Therefore depending advanced from the making of material processing, an outside order by each process to Assy, and a system was growth of a part specialty company the result.


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